Friday, May 13, 2005

New resources urgently needed

I would like to formally propose that we start a new project. It would take the best ideas form KHotNewStuff and Adopt-a-Geek. You see there are a lot of KDE developers out there that are students, inbetween jobs or otherwise deprived of dating resources. Many of these folks overworked their underpowered social skills to help bring you an outstanding Open Source desktop. There are also appreciative users that are willing to donate their obsolete girlfriends to help the KDE project if they knew who needed what and where. In order to bring both parties together and thereby increase the productivity of these KDE developers, I suggest we start a project called KHotNewChicks. All we would need is a web page were we could list all these ex-girlfriends that would might make good matches for your favorite developer.

Check out the responses from this article if you don't think this is a urgent need;)


cartman said...

LOL brilliant idea!

Anonymous said...

Where do I sign up? :-)

Noxious Ninja said...

Hee hee, maybe I'll have to become a KDE developer. ;}

Unknown said...

ahahahahaha... wicked idea. sign me up.

i'd feel the need to ask my ex's first, but i'm sure at least a couple would be cool with the idea.

(disclaimer: it's not my fault if you end up with one of my crazier ex's and they do freaky stuff.)

hmm.. and can i be both a contributor to KHNC and a recipient?

Anonymous said...

Hey Theobroma! Are you free then?

Anonymous said...

funny, if a bloke suggested this...

Anonymous said...

Theobroma, Nice blog, really enjoyed it, will be back for sure! I'm always looking for interesting related sites to Skanky Girls that I can link from my page Skanky Girls

Anonymous said...

Theobroma, Nice blog, really enjoyed it, will be back for sure! I'm always looking for interesting related sites to Skanky Girls that I can link from my page Skanky Girls

Unknown said...

hi, i am learning about blogs and like what you did in yours, I have a blog about information. PLease come visit.